Monday, April 25, 2005

My Average Days

My work involves writing blahs like these:

In relation with state finance management reform as warranted by Presidential Decree 36/2004, the organizational structure of Ministry of Finance underwent some changes at echelon I tier as stipulated in the Decree of Ministry of Finance Number 302/KMK.01/2004 on Organization and Work Structure of Ministry of Finance. Those changes were conducted in a reorganization within the Ministry of Finance that reflects the separation of several key functions of the Ministry, namely fiscal policy, budget planning, and budget execution. As an echelon I unit of the Ministry, Directorate General of Budget and Fiscal Balance harbors the function of budget planning.

Reform in the area of state finance management conducted to enhance efficiency and effectiveness is manifested in the stipulation of Law 17/2003 on State Finance, Law 1/2004 on State Treasury, and Law 15/2004 on State Finance Responsibility and Assessment. Reform in that particular area includes the increase of management in the stages of budgeting, execution, assesment and reporting of state finance.

To improve budgeting process several policies, one of which is the Performance Based Budgeting, has been and will be applied. Performance based budgeting requires performance control criteria, evaluation, and unified budget system to ensure the absence of duplications in the formulation of ministry/agency workplan and budget. The aforementioned formulation also covers the need for both performance based budgeting and performance accountability measuring.

In line with efforts to thoroughly implement performance based budgeting the formerly used budget classification needs to be changed so as to be in accordance with internationally accepted classification. The changes in the classification of government transactions are made to simplify the implementation of performance based budget, provide a more objective and proportional portrayal of government activities, maintain consistency with the standards of public accounting, and simplify the presentation and increase the credibility of government finance statistic. It is hoped that the implementation of performance based budgeting will negate budget duplication, stacking, and deviation.

Pretty handy for chronic insomnia, eh? :) :) :)


marianne said...

i fell asleep at the second line.

what have you done in your past lives??

Eko Widyasmoro said...

something horrible, i'm afraid...