Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Lousy Defense

"She's just a friend!"
"Yes. I enjoy her company"
"No. I've never even met her. We had a strict agreement about NOT seeing each other in person"
"Yes. I do think about her sometimes. But it's different."
"Look, she's not any different from Rendy or Wahyudi. They are my friends. And so is she. We talk a lot. That's all"
"Well, of course she's female."
"Yes, i know things like that could happen. But it's not happening to me. That's what matters, am i right?"
"Look, you're making me feel like a monster here. She is a mature woman. She knows i have you, from the very beginning. She knows what she is doing. Whatever she feels for me is her department. Not mine."
"Yes, I could have prevented that. But how should i know that was THAT?"
"How do you define 'cheating' anyway?"

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