Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Morning Thoughts

Uh, okay. It's 7.30. Where am i? Oh, the Kill Bill movie poster. I'm in my own room. Is it weekend? No, i don't think so. What day is it? Monday? Tuesday? Nevermind. Gotta get up. Gotta get up.

Clock icon on the LCD of my cellphone. Must have missed both daily alarms. The 5.15 'subuhan dulu tuyul!' and 5.30 'tangi, su!'. This is totally absurd. With the office only 20 minutes away on foot who needs to get up at 5.15?

Scattered DVDs on the floor. Oh yeah, i watched the Fight Club for the umpteenth times last night. Tyler Durden. Self improvement is masturbation. Wow. What kind of person would come up with a line like that? A deep-seated philosopher? A deranged psycho?

Peanuts packages and beer cans. My housemates must have been here last night. The thoughtless slobs. I should come over and wreck their rooms for a change. See how they like it.

An empty bottle of rum. Cheap 250 ml Mansion House Tangerang-made rum. A far cry from those drunk by the wooden-legged hook-armed sailors of Treasure Islands. I don't remember getting drunk.

This pillow feels sooo good! Is it raining outside? They should cancel work when it rains. Darn! Somebody 'borrowed' my umbrella. How can i get it back? How can i get to work?

Ratih's picture smiling at me from the night table. Night table? What night table? It's the cardboard box that came with the DVD. Put a table cloth on it. Voila. Night table. Oh dear love, i can still smell the scent of your skin.

Shit! It's 7.45. Did it take THAT long to think all these thoughts? Gotta get up. Gotta get up.

Gotta get a life.

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