Monday, February 18, 2008

Memory Test

Concentrate and read the following excerpt for a full 20 seconds:

Penyelesaian Kewajiban Pemerintah Sektor Hulu Migas (Pembayaran PBB Migas Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS), Reimbursement PPN/PPN BM Migas KKKS, Pajak Daerah Migas, Underlifting Migas KKKS dan Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) Fee Migas KKKS) dan Panas Bumi (Reimbursement PPN Panas Bumi dan Pembayaran PBB Pertambangan Panas Bumi) (SOP 206)

Done? Now, grab a pencil and a piece of paper. Without looking at the screen, try and write what you remember.

If you:
A. Can't remember or write a damn thing >> You might want to check for Alzheimer's. Or finish that Kejar Paket A thingy you once enrolled in.

B. Manage to write the first two or three words plus some bits and pieces in the middle >> Congratulations! You belong to the rest of normal human population.

C. Create a perfect copy of the text>>You're not human, are you?

D. Create a perfect copy of the text and actually understand the damn thing>> The rest of the world might consider that you're a superfreak bar none, but here at civil service we shall hail you as our king.

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