Saturday, September 09, 2006

When She's Near

I could never really pin-point what it was. Since even the slightest twitch of her eyebrow felt like a thundering roar of a thousand cannons bursting within me. It was so hard to contain. And the way her eyes dance, always seemed to be trying to tell something even when her lovely mouth did not. My senses were simply overrun.

Seeing her everyday was a torture, albeit not entirely unpleasant. I tried not to gaze when she was sitting across the room. But leaving such beauty unnoticed felt like commiting a cardinal sin. I wanted to stare as long as I could, foolishly thinking that if I did it long enough, her impression will be forever imprinted on the walls of my memory. When we were accidently in close proximity--I know she never meant it, whatever were left of my logic walked out of the door. My heart went all fluttery and my head swam at the slightest whiff of her scent.

I don't know what it was. Honestly. But it's there.

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